
Had a dream that I was running from someone last night. He was supposedly a student at my old elementary/middle school-- just graduating. I was looking for my old French professor, Mme. Fouladian. He grunted, 'What the hell are you doing here?' I said, 'I used to go here,' and he took off after me when a sharp gardening hoe. I tried to hide under three feet of water in a fountain, which, by the miracles of dreams, worked for a while. The pounding of the water falling from the fountain head was causing a complete disorientation of all senses-- I had no idea which way was up. But I managed to reach the surface and began to run again from the maniac with the hoe. I went into a small cottage that lifted me from the ground, flipped me upsidedown, and got me to the second floor. Once there, I ran up a narrow, spiral staircase to an office, where I asked the woman at the desk (the definition of mince, long bright blonde hair; I took her for French) in French, Excusez-moi Mme. Je cherche Dominique Fouladian. J'etais un de ses anciens etudiants. She bitched me out in words I don't recall, and which point I jumped in a trash shoot, landed in a dumpster, crawled out, and got into my mother's car, where she was waiting for me in the alleyway.

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tales, trails, betrayals... monsters